Where the districts of Treptow, Friedrichshain and Lichtenberg meet along the Spree, the Stralau peninsula juts out into the river. Until the 19th century, it was known above all for the Stralauer Fischzug festival on St. Bartholomew’s Day. In summery August weather, tens of thousands of Berliners flocked to the headland, which was then still outside the city, to drink and celebrate together. Today, around the preserved village church, there is an idyllic, modern residential area set among nature, which invites you to take long walks along the bank. At the tip of the peninsula you will find two insider tips on the Spree in Berlin: the Liebesinsel and the Kratzbruch. The two tiny, densely overgrown islands are under strict nature protection and are home to numerous birds as well as otters and beavers.
Alt-Stralau, Lichtenberg
Kilde : VisitBerlin
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